
Flask S3Viewer provides CLI to help customize templates.

Get template source

You can customize the template with CLI tool.

See help.

# You can see the details
flask_s3_viewer -h
 ______ _           _       _____ ____   __      ___
|  ____| |         | |     / ____|___ \  \ \    / (_)
| |__  | | __ _ ___| | __ | (___   __) |  \ \  / / _  _____      _____ _ __
|  __| | |/ _` / __| |/ /  \___ \ |__ <    \ \/ / | |/ _ \ \ /\ / / _ \ '__|
| |    | | (_| \__ \   <   ____) |___) |    \  /  | |  __/\ V  V /  __/ |
|_|    |_|\__,_|___/_|\_\ |_____/|____/      \/   |_|\___| \_/\_/ \___|_|

=================== Flask S3Viewer Command Line Tool ====================

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Enter the directory path where the template will be
  -t {base,mdl}, --template {base,mdl}
                        Enter the name of the template to import. (mdl means
                        material-design-lite and base means not designed

Get the template to your repository.

# Get a Material-design-lite template
flask_s3_viewer --path templates/mdl --template mdl

# Get a base template (not designed at all)
flask_s3_viewer -p templates/base -t base

When you run the command, you can see the {repository}/{path}/{template} has been created on your repository. then rerun the Flask application.

And you can also change template directory if you want.

For examples, Get Material-design-lite template to templates/customized directory on your root path.

flask_s3_viewer -p templates/customized -t mdl

Then change template_namespace. it will be routed to defined directory (templates/customized).

s3viewer = FlaskS3Viewer(


The template folder of Flask S3Viewer is fixed as templates. so if you change template_namespace, It will be routed {repository}/templates/{defined template_namespace_by_you}.